Yohannes Haile
Yohannes Haile

More than 2 years of working on real-life projects to build iOS apps for businesses using Swift Programming Language. Primarily focusing on iOS  Development, I am skilled in UIKit, SwiftUI, URLSession, Async/Await, and Core Data. In addition to native iOS Development, I have a brief experience in working with cross-platform development technologies, React Native and Expo. As a team player, I am great at using version control systems such as Git and GitHub to collaborate with teammates on projects. Well familiar with Agile Software Development methodology and modern project management tools and technologies.

I started writing in mid-2021 (during the lockdown). Since then, I have been publishing articles that discuss issues ranging from Tech to Philosophy, from Productivity to Dating, from Book Reviews to Life Lessons. Most of my writings have their humorous take on the topics they deal with and signify my thought processes around them. Through time, I learned that I love to write about things that interest me, and I hope I would continue scribbling stuff and publishing it to Medium. 🤦🏾‍♂️

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